Pudding Shot Recipe

Savor the moment

As the most requested email I receive, I thought it would only be fitting to kick off my blog with a pudding shot recipe. I cannot take credit for inventing the pudding shot. That gold medal feat belongs to none other than the Earl of Pudding. A stout gentleman that hailed from the sleepy town of Yorkshire. In my mind, I envision him to be a cross between the Emerald Gate Keeper in The Wizard of Oz and the Pillsbury Doughman.

Why the heck am I blogging about pudding shots when I've got a book to finish?

Finish, Finish, Finish! is the frantic command shouted in my head. But with my learning disability turning sentences and phrases backward, I've got to take it S-L-O-W.

If you pre-ordered The After Lie, I love you. It's coming; I just needed a minute. The manuscript has been to editing twice, and both times, I'd thought I'd nailed it; bestseller, yada yada. Only to get two emphatic no's from the outstanding and acclaimed author, book editor, and my friend, Amy Briggs.

She said that. "You're my friend, Angie," right before she gave me a big fat rejection, not once but twice.

"You need to have someone read it to you." She advised.

That's just what I did. I read it into a recorder app. The first thing I thought about wasn't more time; it was a match and lighter fluid.

The story isn't straightforward.

Though they are tangled together like dead leaves on a vine, the words are there. It is brain-deadening work to figure out what I was trying to say months ago when I wrote the entire thing, but I'm taking it slow. Write and read, read and write.

Please don't give up on me, and I won't give up on myself.

Have a pudding shot. I will too.



Angie M. Brashears

As an ER nurse, I’ve been to the edge and back. Let me take you there. 


He gets me, He really gets me